COVID-19 Match Procedures & Polices - Shotgun Start

Effective May 23, 2020, Dynamic Shooting Sports, LLC will adopt the measures outlined in this document in order to comply with local and state standards for “Social Distancing”, sanitation and safety.  These measures will apply to our large format matches that have a shotgun start.  We will have additional or different measures for our large format matches that have staggered starts and steel matches.  DSS understands that these measures will be new to everyone and that some competitors will feel these policies are too much and others will feel that we have not done enough.  Regardless, if you wish to participate, 100% compliance is expected!

Registration & Arrival

  • Competitors must conduct daily symptom assessments (self-evaluation). Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.

  • You may not come to the range if you, somebody you live with, or somebody you come in regular contact with has been sick in the past 14 days. 

  • Weekend matches will be limited to 50 participants for our “shotgun start” format matches.  These are typically the matches we have on Saturdays (when we need to reset the range for another match on the following day) and our Sunday multi-gun matches.

  • Registration will be completed on-line only.  We will not offer walk-up registration for weekend matches.

  • Squad size will be limited to 10 competitors, no exceptions.

  • Gate will Open at 8:00AM.  Please remain at your vehicle until registration opens.

  • Registration will be open for check-in from 8:15AM – 8:45AM.  Please maintain a 6’ “social distance” while waiting in line.

  • For the safety of our volunteers, please bring the correct amount of cash for the match.

  • Once you have completed your registration, proceed directly to your starting stage.  Walk-throughs of the stages will not be allowed prior to the start of the match.

  • We will disinfect scoring devices and timers prior to handing them out to the Range Officers and Scorekeepers.

  • The Range Officer for your squad will assist you with “gunning up” using the rear berm if you do not have a safety area in your bay.

Match and Stage Procedures

  • The “walk-through” period will be extended to 10 minutes since we are not allowing them prior to the match starting.

  • All competitors will be given a roll of pasters to start the day.  This is so that we do not have everybody handling the same item. 

  • We ask that everybody please bring a pair of gloves to wear when helping to reset steel or moving targets.

  • Common surfaces in the stage like door and port handles will be discontinued for the time being.

  • Only the assigned scorekeeper will have access to the scoring device.  This includes scoring for themselves.  They will show the score to the competitor at the end of their run, but the competitor will only give a verbal “approval”.

  • We will supply the Range Officer with a timer if needed.  They will have the option of shooting first or last and will run all other competitors.  Another competitor (with their own timer), will run the Range Officer.  This is so we don’t have multiple people handling the same device.

End of Match and Tear-Down

  • Tear-down is typically pretty limited at most matches.  However, we will be limiting that aspect even further.  Instructions will be given to the Range Officer in each squad for tearing down their final stage of the day.

  • We understand that the practical shooting sports is a “social” activity.  But for everybody’s health and safety we ask the competitors not loiter after the match and proceed directly to their vehicles.

  • We will have collection bins for “used/dirty” tablets, timers and pasters at the barn.  Please deposits these items before leaving.

General Policies

  • There will be disinfecting wipes on each bay (either in the carport or at the safety area).

  • Hand sanitizer will be available in the barn and at the portable toilets.  However, we ask that everybody please try to bring their own since we have a limited supply.

  • Do not handle another competitor’s equipment at any time.  For multi-gun matches, this includes during the “make ready’ period and “showing clear” at the end of the stage.

  • Masks are not required to be worn by participants, but we do strongly recommend that they be worn at all times.

  • Spectators will not be allowed at our weekend matches since we are limiting the squad size to 10 competitors.

  • The Range Master will have the authority to issue procedural penalties or disqualification to competitors that fail to comply with these measures.

  • We will be discontinuing “shoot-throughs” for special circumstances until further notice.  This is to help us comply with keeping the squad size to 10 shooters.

  • Shooters will still be given the opportunity to “reshoot” a classifier at the end of the match for $5.  Limit of 1 reshoot per division.