We Wanted to Introduce Ourselves...

We just sent out our first email campaign last night!  Here's what we had to say:

Hello Everyone,

Dynamic Shooting Sports, LCC was formed in early 2017 to continue the operation of the outdoor shooting and defensive training faicility located on Alliance Road in Deerfield, Ohio.  DSS will take over operations from ARO Group on November 1, 2017.  You are receiving this message because you are a current season pass holder at ARO Group or you have attended a shooting match, defensive training or other event at the range in the past couple of years. 

We are planning to make a series of announcements in the coming weeks about our plans. These announcements will include upcoming improvements, season pass rates, new range policies, 2017-18 match schedule and other fun news. Before we start filling up your inbox, we wanted to give you an opportunity to "opt-out" of receiving these messages if you aren't interested or if this information doesn't apply to you.  We might also have multiple email addresses for you, so we want to also give you the chance to decide where to receive your news.  In either case, please use the option to "opt-out".

You can also choose to follow us on Facebook or learn more about us at our Website.  The website also includes a helpful Calendar of upcoming events.

Please look for more announcements over the next few days.  Until then...we will see you at the range!

D. Scott Beebe, Owner


It's ALIVE!!! Check out our website: dynamicshootingsports.us

We are still adding content and editing a few things, but there is enough posted to share this with everyone. Features include:

MATCHES - a listing of the different types of matches we will be offering in 2018, including USPSA, 3 Gun Nation, Dynamic Steel and much more.

TEAM - We will be supporting a small shooting team of 5 local shooters. We will be announcing the team members later this month.

SPONSORS - We are working to partner with local, regional and national companies in the shooting industry that would like to support our efforts at the range and with the shooting team.

INSTRUCTORS - This is a list of third-party Instructors that regularly use our range to teach. Links are provided to their websites and we include  their classes at the range on our calendar. Check out what Waypoint Shooting School is offering.

CALENDAR - An interactive calendar with a monthly view of all upcoming events at the range. The event details have links for registration and for match scores when posted. Currently, the Calendar is populated with the remaining events that ARO Group will be hosting this year.

NEWS - Coming Soon

CONTACT - Another means to get in touch with us.

We are also developing an ABOUT page that will have more information about DSS including season pass rates and availability. Stay tuned for more news about Dynamic Shooting Sports, LLC later this month!