On November 6th, Dynamic Shooting Sports, LLC will commence work on the following range improvements (weather permitting), no shooting will be allowed while this contruction is under way.
Berms – Over the course of time, berms “flatten” due to normal erosion. We have a contractor that will be starting work on November 6th to push the berms back up and add material as needed. They will be focusing on where the side berms meet the front walls of Bays 2 and 3.
Rifle Bay – The contractor will be working to raise the height and extend the berm at the bottom of the Rifle Bay over to the property line. They will be recontouring the bay so that water doesn’t run down the middle of the bay. This will get rid of the ruts and should allow for the bay to dry out quicker after heavy rains. We are also hopeful that we will have enough material to start a new berm along the north side of the rifle bay.
Fix the Entrance – Again, we will be working with the same contractor to help manage how water runs through the property. We will add a culvert under the main entrance and build back up the entrance way so that it meets the road (right now there is a significant drop-off from the road). With water being able to move through the culvert, we feel this should prevent future erosion.
New Bay Surfaces – Regular wear and erosion of the surfaces in the bays requires us to periodically add new material to the surface of the bays. We hope to complete this in November, weather permitting. We also plan to put material on the Rifle Bay (which hasn’t been surfaced previously).